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May 2024 Health Newsletter

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Current Articles

» Back Pain Healthcare Costs Enormous
» Headaches and Chiropractic
» Gain The Weight, Gain The Spinal Pain
» Chiropractic Care for Car Accident Injuries: A Natural Approach
» A Little Exercise, A Longer Life
» Screen Time and Inactivity Unacceptable In Adolescents

Back Pain Healthcare Costs Enormous

Back pain and spinal problems are increasingly burdening the healthcare system within the U.S. as well as many other countries throughout the world. The latest numbers come in close to $86 billion - the annual cost of treating spinal problems in the United States alone. This number equates to a 65 percent increase in the cost of treating back and spine related disorders in just the past decade. Worse yet, new research indicates people's back and spine related problems are no better off. So what’s the deal? Experts state increased spending on prescription drugs, more advanced diagnostic testing and increases in the number and cost of spinal surgeries are partly to blame. While this is unfortunate, it's clear that the current overall methodology of treatment is not successful since significantly increasing costs shouldn't result in a poorer outcome for back and spinal disorder sufferers. Chiropractic care is safe, non-invasive and highly effective in the management of many spinal disorders including some of the most common causes of back pain. Chiropractic care has also been shown to be a very cost-effective treatment for certain back and spinal problems. In fact, chiropractic doctors receive so much back and spine related training that most chiropractic students purchase models of the human spine to study extensively during their chiropractic training.

Source: Journal of the American Medical Association. 2008;299(6):656-664.

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Headaches and Chiropractic

The title above is from a release by the American Chiropractic Association on August 2, 2013, that appeared in several news outlets including the American News. The release, and several associated news articles discuss how chiropractic helps people who suffer from headaches. The ACA release begins by noting, "If you have a headache, you're not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea." Another article about chiropractic and headaches in the Merritt Herald from Canada on July 24, 2013, starts by stating, "Did you know that one of the most common forms of headache is actually caused by problems in the neck?" The ACA release reported on research of how chiropractic helps headaches by noting, "A report released in 2001 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, N.C., found that spinal manipulation (adjustments) resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication." Using chiropractic care for headaches is not a common medical procedure. This fact was illustrated in the Merritt Herald article, "Unfortunately, the medical understanding of headaches often does not take into account the chiropractic model, which remains foreign to many within the medical profession." The Merritt Herald article also reported that this information is not new, noting that, "In 1995, a team of MDs at Syracuse University established neck problems as the cause of many headaches with scientific, anatomical proof." The researchers were headed up by Dr. Rothbart, a medical doctor. In an interview after the research, Dr. Rothbart stated, "Some brilliant people have put their hearts, souls and minds to this (headache) problem and haven't come up with anything. All we've been able to do is treat people with an array of medicines, one after the other, and hope the side effects won't be too bad. We couldn't believe it at first. We've been able to put together a scientific explanation for how neck structure causes headaches — not all headaches, but a significant number of them. It's true that chiropractors have been saying this for years. Unfortunately, many (medical) doctors tend to have a jaundiced view of chiropractors, but they were right about headaches."

Author: Dr.Rothbart
Source: American Chiropractic Association

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Gain The Weight, Gain The Spinal Pain

A recent Norway study indicates that in both men and women obesity is strongly associated with chronic low back pain. The increased weight of being obese wreaks havoc on the spinal tissues that are placed under constant and increased stress due to the additional weight. Fortunately, most obesity is treatable and with loss of the additional weight, many experience significant improvements in their back pain complaints, not to mention the improvement or reversal of many other related health conditions. Fortunately, chiropractic care can still help before the additional weight comes off, or, if the additional weight cannot be lost. Chiropractors not only provide relief for many experiencing back pain due to obesity, but some additionally offer treatment programs directed at weight loss and strategies to improve one’s overall health. If you’ve got extra pounds to lose and are suffering from back problems, you deserve an opportunity to try chiropractic care!

Source: Spine. Volume 35. Issue 7.

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Chiropractic Care for Car Accident Injuries: A Natural Approach

Car accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, ranging from minor discomfort to more serious conditions. Chiropractic care, provided by doctors of chiropractic (DCs), offers a proven, effective and natural approach to evaluating and treating many of the associated injuries. Let's explore how chiropractors can help individuals recover after an auto accident.

Evaluating Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Understanding Soft Tissue Injuries: Soft tissues include muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia. These structures are highly prone to injury during sudden impacts, such as car accidents. DCs specialize in assessing soft tissue damage, even when X-rays may not reveal injuries, as they more commonly do not.
  • Hands-On Assessment: Chiropractors use many techniques including manual techniques to evaluate soft tissues. They assess muscle tension, joint mobility, and alignment. By identifying areas of dysfunction, they create personalized treatment plans for maximum rehabilitation and outcome.

Treating Common Auto Accident Injuries

  • Back Pain: Chiropractic care including chiropractic adjustments help restore spinal alignment, reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing, naturally. Soft tissue therapies (such as massage or myofascial release) help alleviate muscle tension and inflammation.
  • Whiplash: Whiplash occurs due to rapid neck movement during collisions. Chiropractors address whiplash by providing safe soft tissue care which often includes gentle adjustments to the cervical and thoracic spine, improving range of motion, reducing pain and jumpstarting the healing process.
  • Headaches: Post-accident headaches often result from neck strain. Chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapies can relieve tension and reduce headache frequency and pain intensity.
  • Other Injuries: Chiropractors also treat other joint and soft tissue sprains and strains. They emphasize natural healing, avoiding unnecessary medications or invasive procedures.

The Safety of Chiropractic Care

  • Non-Invasive Approach: Chiropractic care avoids surgery and medication. Patients appreciate the natural, drug-free solutions offered by DCs.
  • Evidence-Based Practice: Chiropractic treatments are backed by research. Studies show their effectiveness in managing pain and improving function.

Chiropractic care provides a safe, natural, and effective way to address car accident injuries. By focusing on soft tissue evaluation, spinal alignment, and evidence-based treatments, DCs play a crucial role in helping patients recover and regain their quality of life.

If you've been in an auto accident, please contact our office today. We can tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs, promoting healing and restoring well-being.


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A Little Exercise, A Longer Life

Individuals partaking in even just a small amount of low-intensity exercise are significantly less likely to die prematurely than their sedentary counterparts, according to researchers.  The findings come from examining data from 10 previous studies of more than 36,000 older subjects.  The evidence is becoming more clear – stop moving, and the risk of death increases significantly.  Being sedentary 10 hours a day increased death during the close to 7-year study by 48%.  Those that pushed their sedentary lifestyle to 12 hours a day nearly tripled their risk of death during this time frame.  The good news is that researchers found that literally any level of physical activity level was beneficial.  Thus, you don’t need to run a marathon or even run to reap the benefits.  Simply get up, get out and just move!

Source: BMJ 2019;366:l5051

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Screen Time and Inactivity Unacceptable In Adolescents

According to research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the majority of adolescents are not getting adequate amounts of physical activity.  The WHO recommends adolescents participate in an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.  However, data obtained by the WHO from 1.6 million students between 2001 and 2016 found only 1 out of 5 children met the WHO’s recommendation for daily physical activity.  The WHO attributes this lack of physical activity to increase in home screen time which is replacing the time for physical activity.  While the data is extremely concerning and parents and educational leaders need to step up to create and implement solutions, the good news is that over the 15 years reviewed, the physical activity for boys has actually improved.  Unfortunately, over that same period of time, there has been no improvement for the physical activity in girls.

Source: The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. November 21, 2019.

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